Celebrating Three Years of the International Sustainability Academy (ISA)
Celebrating Three Years of the International Sustainability Academy (ISA)
Tuesday, 13th September 2022, 9.30 am – 5 pm
Am Inselpark 19
21109 Hamburg
We are happy to invite you to join the celebration of the third anniversary of ISA, the unique and sustainable scholarship program, which embodies its philosophy ‘living and working together’. We like to share this special event with you, both live and online, together with the ISA scholarship holders from over 28 developing countries. Use this opportunity to discuss their innovative and sustainable projects together with various experts from the fields of science, business, and politics. Allow yourself to be captivated by the diverse projects and personalities of the scholarship holders.
Welcome by Wolfgang Michael Pollmann, State Councilor of the Department of Environment and Energy in Hamburg, keynote speeches, panel discussion, ISA success stories and world café.
Moderation by Christine Mhundwa, journalist
Programm: https://www.isa-germany.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Programm-ISA-Event-1309_050922.pdf
Please register here:
In present in the WÄLDERHAUS in Hamburg: 3 years ISA-Event
Online per stream: online-stream
Looking forward to seeing you.
Best regards for ISA-Team