The first cooperation partners are confirmed

Right from the beginning we already have two strong cooperation partners at our side: the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg and the Leuphana University Lüneburg. Here an introduction to the planned projects:

Headed by Prof. Dr. (mult) Dr. h.c. (mult.) Walter Leal, the international team of the Research and Transfer Center “Sustainability and Climate Change Management”, known as FTZ-NK, is involved in a number of applied research projects in the overarching areas of sustainability and climate change. A set of projects address the circular economy, i.e. innovative approaches to improved waste management (for example, the Horizon2020 project FORCE, Primarily here, the plan is to support the scholars with research for future scientific publications and possibly new project development from which their home institutions can benefit. The scholars will be able to gain further insights into projects and activities implemented by the FTZ-NK, and, on various occasions, they will have the opportunity to network with the interdisciplinary team of the FTZ-NK. Moreover, the FTZ-NK offers a range of further education opportunities, e.g. online courses, an upcoming online climate conference and a large number of international specialist seminars in various fields of sustainability and climate change. More about our Center can be found at

Associate Prof. Dr. Ulli Vilsmaier is administration professor for transdisciplinary methods at the Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research at Leuphana University Lüneburg. Her extensive knowledge of methods enables her to address the varying needs of individual scholarship-holders. Under the framework of her research work she has already conducted numerous workshops and conventions for an international public. On the basis of these experiences she has conceived a 2-day workshop for the ISA participants that will take place at the beginning of October 2019 in the WÄLDERHAUS. Further information about the In­sti­tute for Ethics and Trans­disci­plinary Sustainability Research can be found at