Work & research in a sustainable house
The WÄLDERHAUS in Hamburg/Wilhelmsburg is a meeting place and think-tank for international cooperation projects and supports the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG ́s) of the UN. In 2018 the IFS Gallery, the International Forum Sustainability, was founded and presents temporary exhibitions on the theme of Sustainability. ISA took up its work in the WÄLDERHAUS at the beginning of 2019. The Academy offers scholarship-holders a fully equipped place of work and places all necessary technical facilities at their disposal.
The House is an excellence project of the International Building Exhibition 2013 (IBA Hamburg) and this multifunction building at Inselpark, Wilhelmsburg is unique in the world in terms of architecture and concept. Visual accents are set with the asymmetric design and a facade in larch wood. The theme “Forest and timber” is not only present in the interior of the WÄLDERHAUS, but also through all the areas. The house is to a great extent C02- neutral.