Introduction of Terence Kibula Lukong
“I’m going to be part of ISA because I believe that we need a cleaner, healthier and sustainable energy resources for our world and especially my home country. My ISA experience will enable me promote and contribute to a more sustainable energy situation in my home country.”
Terence Kibula Lukong is a mathematical engineer working with the National Electricity Transmission Cooperation of Cameroon as an Energy account manager, he has 8 years working experience. At the moment he is equally finishing his PhD in Electricity load forecast at the Doctorate School of Engineering Sciences and Applications Polytechnic University of Yaoundé I.
His ISA project is to develop a robust, accurate and sustainable long-term electricity load forecast model for Cameroon. He seeks to identify influential parameters on electricity demand, acquire new skill sets in using new and modern modelling techniques, benchmarking and having a hands-on experience with different existing sustainable models in Germany.