Introduction of Raoul Ndifor

”I am going to take part in ISA, because patient’s satisfaction is of prime importance to every health institution.”

Raoul Ndifor is the medical record director of the Magrabi ICO Cameroon Eye Institute (MICEI), an eye hospital with training and research center in Cameroon. He has a professional certificate in Computerized Accounting and he has over 10-years professional experience in administration.

At ISA he plans to learn from the public health system in Germany and get trained on how to implement a digital database in his institution. He will be researching and learning data storage and statistical methods in analyzing patient data in an eye hospital. He plans to produce a report on the various data analysis that are related to his office of medical record and publish results from the analysis that will be done. In terms of data management, he seeks to organize patient’s information in a retrievable system, which can be spatially represented (on a map).