ISA is the best international platform for knowledge transfer and networking. As a game-changer, I will advocate for the implementation of several SDGs for sustainable development in Zimbabwe.”

Tatenda Chitaka (39years) from Zimbabwe is the Finance Director of Hydrobridge Investments. Hydrobridge delivers bulk, affordable, clean and safe water for drinking, sanitation, construction and agriculture.  She holds a master’s degree in Business Administration and is currently, a PhD candidate at North-West University in South Africa. Her research interests are in sustainable agriculture, sustainable livelihoods, climate change and entrepreneurship.


Her ISA project is about developing a Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) system for sustainable agriculture. Zimbabwe has been seriously affected by climate change which has caused rainfall variability leading to persistent drought and sometimes floods. From her PhD pilot interviews, she deduced that RWH is the best and most sustainable technology for supplying freshwater in fulfilment of SDG 6 and simultaneously SDG 2. During her stay in Germany, she will work on RWH model, a workbook that will show different RWH systems and develop a smartphone RWH interactive application tool.