“Joining the International Sustainability Academy program will be a milestone in my career that will allow me to develop more insights into the SDGs in a multi-cultural context.”
Ousmane Ndiaye (45 years) from Sénégal is an education specialist and project manager working at the Ministry of education in the department for middle and high school as head of the division that manages the issues of equitable access to school, gender and inclusive education in Senegal. He believes in the students’ ownership of the SDGs through the implementation of “SDG-based school projects” is key to education quality.
His ISA project aims to develop school feeding programs through gardening and farming in middle schools to address the issue of middle schoolgirls dropout in rural areas. With the help of the expertise of farmers and the background experience from other schools, the students in the target middle schools will develop gardens in their schools to sustain and provide basic vegetables to the school cafeteria. This will permit students who live far away to stay and eat at school during long break times.