Our impact can be seen all over the world and in many different ways. Discover all about how diverse ISA projects influenced human lives and our environment. Here you can find our success reports, success stories, and testimonials.

Success stories

The inspiring stories behind the ISA projects: a journey through challenges, innovation, and great commitment to a more sustainable future. Every ISA project is accompanied by a very personal story; these stories tell of overcoming, of difficult situations and challenging conditions. But they also tell of courage, innovation, determination, determination, resilience and tireless commitment.

Success reports

In the end, hard facts count: Discover the results, figures, and data that clearly and precisely demonstrate the concrete successes of ISA projects. In our success reports, we present the results of the projects in quantitative results and concrete data. The projects selected here have not only fulfilled their planned objectives but have exceeded them or have created a positive basis for further growth.


Discover how the ISA projects have impacted the lives of the recipients. Find out directly from the people in the Fellows’ home countries how the sustainable initiatives have changed their lives.